Friday 14 December 2012 0 comments

The Cliched First Post That is Named 'First Post'

Good evening world!
I have relocated. That is, from
to here.

I mean, the URL annoyed me from when I made it because what I had really wanted was 'aimlessthreads' but someone had thought of that already. But now I guess I just grew out of it. Even here, what I really wanted was 'acomplexsimplicity' then I googled it and found there was a song called something similar and I messed around with the words 'complex' and 'simple' and found one name that wasn't taken.

I guess this blog would also represent a new chapter, maybe even a new book in the story of my life. So the stuff I right, stories, musings, poems and the like would also change in material and style of writing (still working on it :P)

Thank you for reading.


Still Otempora

That's it for now, I guess.
