Sunday 31 March 2013 2 comments

Feeling Rain On Your Skin

It’s easier to hide
To stay under the covers
To beat yourself up
To blame the whole world.

It hurts to stand up
And say what you want
To feel those eyes on you
They judge you
It makes you feel vulnerable
All defences down
Open to attack
And attack they will.

Stay down, they say
It’s going to hurt, they say
There’s nothing out there
Better than what you have here

Maybe they’re right
But maybe they’re wrong
You never know for sure
Unless you’re out there on your own

Stolen kisses, tears you hid
Each moment becomes a memory
And as for memories
They’re meant to be forgotten
But whether you remember
Or you have no idea it ever happened
Each moment changes you
It defines you
It claims you
It makes you ‘you’

Then again, you’d never know
You could always just stay there
Under the covers, it’s warm
It’s comforting, protective
You could believe in fate
Wait for it to pull the covers off you
Wait for it to rain in your room
Rather than to get out
Then you’d never know
The exhilarating feeling
Of the little droplets of water
Falling on your face
Or the warmth that comes
That spreads from within
From knowing that you’re free.


How To Tell If A Guy Is Into You

Title: How To Tell If A Guy Is Into You

Pairings: Kangmin (Kangin/Sungmin)

Genre: Fluff

Word Count: 1k

Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior or any of the gorgeous men I mention. How I wish I did.

The tips in italics are not mine either. Credit: WikiHow.

Summary: Kangin attempts to figure Sungmin out using a list he finds online. *sigh* Sungmin however, doesn't turn out to be as textbook as Kangin hopes.

Also available in |Russian| (Translated by )

If you wish to translate into your language, tweet me at

1. He mimics your body language. When people are listening to one another, they tend to subconsciously imitate each other’s body language.

Kangin was sitting at the dining table when Sungmin walked in from his room, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

He smiled when he spotted Kangin, 'Morning hyung.'

'Morning Sungminnie'

Sungmin sat down opposite Kangin after he had poured himself a mug of coffee from the kettle on the stove.

Kangin leaned forward and took a sip of his coffee. Sungmin continued to talk but made no move to drink his coffee.

'Maybe his subconscious didn't notice.' Kangin took another sip of his coffee, this time a little more coffee. Sungmin, who was waiting for Kangin to reply to something he'd asked, waited patiently, but still made no move towards his coffee.

That conversation didn't last very long, as when Kyuhyun sauntered in during a pause in the conversation, Sungmin turned to him saying, 'Kyuhyun-ah, did you take my black coat? I was searching for it in the morning and couldn't find it.'

Kangin finished the rest of his coffee in a gulp and ignored his scorched tongue and throat as he dumped his mug in the sink and left the room before he was humiliated any further.

Don’t waste this experiment on a ho-hum conversation; if his mind isn’t absorbed in what you’re both saying, it probably won’t work.


2. He smiles and sustains eye contact. Platonic guy friends smile at each other. They also make plenty of eye contact. But if your guy makes prolonged eye contact while flashing you a big grin, he’s being far more intimate than most straight guys are around each other.

That evening, backstage just before Kangin's big comeback. The stage is wet and slippery and everyone is worried. Kangin catches Sungmin's eye over the make up girl who's fixing his hair and the stylist who's pinning Sungmin's jacket in place. He smiles and Kangin smiles back. Kangin maintains eye contact, just to see how much longer Sungmin will keep smiling. Sungmin seems completely comfortable, smiling and mouthing a comment about Kangin's new hair. Until Eunhyuk comes up behind Sungmin and leans his forehead onto Sungmin's back in a rare display of weakness and Sungmin immediately turns to his friend, pulling him into a comforting hug.


3. He steals glances. If you catch him looking away suddenly when you turn to face him, it means he watches you when you’re not looking.
Kangin comes clean to Leeteuk the next night and the latter can't stop laughing.

'Sungmin? Of all the guys in the world you had to pick the straightest one.'

Kangin argued that Wook was probably straighter, his personality at the dorm is so different from what he portrays on shows. Leeteuk grins, calls Kangin clueless and asks, 'Hasn't Heechul told you who's been fucking him lately?'

After Kangin got over the initial shock at that revelation, he focused on more important matters. Enlisting Teukie to help him conquer Sungmin's heart.

A few days later Teukie reports, 'He's looking at you.'


'Sungmin. He's looking at you. He has been looking at you for a while now.'

Kangin casually turns around to look at Sungmin, or if he were to be more discreet, turns to look "in the general direction" of a certain Lee Sungmin. Kangin was pleased to see (his heart actually skipped a beat) that Sungmin was indeed looking at him. However, he didn't seem the least bit flustered when he caught Kangin's eyes, smiling warmly and nodding a greeting.

Kangin pretends not to notice how hard Teukie is laughing as he turned back to face him.


4. He wants to know all about you. Guys aren’t known for their ability (or desire) to untangle the threads of their guy friends’ personal lives. If your guy asks a lot of questions about your life, interests, hobbies, friends, and, most importantly, feelings, he isn’t content with chitchat and wants to get to know you on a deeper level. Or, you're his best friend.

Kangin is sitting at the downstairs dorm late at night on the couch with his laptop. He's waiting for Sungmin to come back from radio, though he refuses to admit it.

Sungmin and Ryeowook come into the dorm and Ryeowook looks exhausted, smiling tiredly as he ruffles Kangin's hair asking, 'Had dinner, hyung?'

Kangin nods and Ryeowook mutters something about being exhausted as he goes to his room.

Sungmin on the other hand, makes his way to the kitchen, and after rattling spoons and pans for a few minutes, reappears with a big bowl of ramyun.

He sits opposite Kangin on the couch, picks up the laptop and puts it aside, keeping the bowl between them instead.

Two hours later when Kangin finally finds himself in his bed upstairs, he can't stop smiling. He'd just spilled his deepest, darkest dreams, hopes and worries (except the ones involving the listener, of course) in the longest conversation he's ever had with Sungmin, yet, he wasn't feeling self conscious or exposed. Just happy. Because it didn't matter anymore if Sungmin was gay or not, all it mattered was that Sungmin cared.


5. He touches you unnecessarily. If your guy lets his hand brush against yours, puts his hands on your shoulders while standing behind you, gives frequent hugs, or finds an excuse to pull something of your hair, he’s probably trying to kick the intimacy up a notch – or even test how you react to his advances.

Two weeks after their comeback, they all have some free time and decide to watch a movie together. Kangin can't remember which movie it was when he goes to sleep that night. All he remembers is that sometime during the first five minutes, Sungmin's knee was touching his. He pretended he didn't even notice but all he remembers of the first hour of the movie is the feeling of Sungmin's thigh against his.

Midway through, Sungmin's breath tickles his ear as he whispers that he was getting really bored, it was at least the fifth time he was watching it. Kangin smiles and says he's seen it already too. Sungmin promptly moves closer and spends the rest hour or so whispering comments into Kangin's ear.

Kangin on the other hand, pretended he didn't have tingles shooting through his body, originating from the parts that could feel Sungmin's warmth as he responded with the appropriate answers.

By the end of the movie, Sungmin was sleepily snuggled onto Kangin's shoulder and Kangin thought he could die happy.


6. He’s nervous around you. Does he get sweaty palms, laugh awkwardly, or have trouble speaking when you’re around? Then he’s nervous about what you think of him – which means he’s trying to impress you.

Kangin's narrating the story of his first variety show appearance to Kyuhyun the next morning at breakfast when Sungmin walks in. All of a sudden he's fumbling for words and tripping over letters, much to Kyuhyun's amusement. Sungmin, who'd overheard the last part as he entered comes over and puts his arms around Kangin's shoulders as he says, 'We were so proud of hyung that day.'


7. He gives you a nickname. A group of guys will often bestow a nickname on a friend when he does something memorable, but if your guy comes up with a nickname for you on his own, especially if you haven’t done anything remarkable to earn it, he’s making a point of how special your relationship is.

Kangin's always called Sungmin 'Ming' in his head. He accidentally lets it slip that day during a conversation with Teukie, and Leeteuk dies laughing.

A few minutes later, however, Kangin ignores both his flaming cheeks and the dumbfounded expression on Leeteuk's face when Ming, his Ming, comes in after radio and calls him 'Kanging~' instead of his usual 'Youngwoonie-hyung' and asks him if he wanted to go work out together.


Test the Waters

1. Try subtle touches. Let your hand touch his "accidentally". If he doesn't mind or even better, returns them, you know what it means.

Sungmin leans his forehead onto Kangin's back as they wait for the car to come pick them from the gym.

Kangin leans back into Sungmin's warmth and asks, "Tired?"


Sungmin snakes his arms around Kangin's waist, and leans onto him, supporting himself on Kangin.

The car comes and Kyuhyun's asleep in the passenger's seat beside the manager.

Sungmin asks what happened. "He was prepping for next week's Radio Star. Been there all evening."

The get into the car and after a while Sungmin lies down onto Kangin's shoulder. Kangin's hormones are too exhausted to overreact and soon he's slowly drifting off to sleep.

The car stops and Kangin opens his eyes, Sungmin sits up a little and asks, "What is it, hyung?"

"Need to pick up some groceries. Will you guys wait?"

Kangin's says it is no problem, and the manager leaves.

Sungmin asks Kangin about how he's been doing since the last time they spoke for a substantial amount of time, and they have a casual conversation.

Kangin decides that he'd never know if he never tried and gently shifts so that his arm is around the younger, and his head is resting on Kangin's chest. Sungmin acts like nothing has happened and keeps still.

Sungmin gets up a few minutes later and leans forward between the front seats and turns the air conditioning down. He sits back, and makes sure Kangin's arm is around his shoulder when he does. Kangin feels his heartbeat racing as he notices that Sungmin was sitting right next to him, leaving most of the seat empty.

The manager comes back in a few minutes and switches on the FM as he turns into the highway. It's their song, Sungmin's part in Bittersweet. His voice is low and sweet and sexy and Kangin finds himself holding Sungmin a little closer. Sungmin interlinks his fingers with Kangin's. Kangin stays still, he's not quite sure if he is imagining it.

It switches to Ryeowook's voice and Kangin's pretty sure he wasn't imagining it. He was holding hands with his Sungmin.

Kangin squeezes Sungmin's hand lightly. He feels Sungmin shift in his arms, his nose now against Kangin's neck. For just a moment, Kangin feels soft lips against his neck, warm breath tickling his skin.

Sungmin returns to his initial position and Kangin finds his heart beating so hard it feels like it's going to find its way out of his chest.

Kangin leans forward a little, heart racing, and softy touches his lips to Sungmin's forehead. Sungmin shifts and for just one breathless, beautiful moment, their lips meet. Blood pounds in Kangin's ears as Sungmin pulls away, smiles, then leans in and takes Kangin's lower lip in his mouth and gently runs his warm tongue along it.

They keep kissing; soft, warm, mind-numbing kisses. When Kyuhyun stirs in the front seat, Sungmin pulls away a little and it takes all of Kangin's self control to not push Sungmin back against the seat and continue.


2. If you are still in doubt, you should just say say you are attracted to him and make no bones about it. If he smiles or nods, that's a good sign.

Later when Kyuhyun has gone back to sleep, Kangin moves a little closer to Sungmin and whispers, barely audible over Mighty Mouth on the radio, "I like you Sungmin-ah."

Sungmin turns around and looks at him, his chocolate brown eyes deep black orbs in the low light. He smiles and Kangin thinks he's never seen Sungmin look quite as perfect as when he takes Kangin's hand in his and says something that leaves Kangin smiling for the rest of the week.

"I like you too, hyung."
