Wednesday 20 February 2013

Nothing To Say

I started out thinking this post is going to be about absolutely nothing, just a writing exercise in the writing style I'd like to call my own someday.

But just as I typed the 'I' it felt like something exploded in my head, like how those fizzy candies pop in your mouth, almost painfully and I knew what I wanted to write about.

It is absolutely ridiculous how people judge you before you have even exchanged a word in conversation.

Okay. I'm all done. Inspiration out, boredom in.

If it was possible to die of boredom, I probably would have died a thousand times in the last few months.

Okay this is terrible. I'm back to my pre- Writer's Block condition and I can't even write a story about it again. Been there, done that.

The writer's block is probably induced by different causes though. It must be the intense boredom that said 'writer' (AKA me) has been feeling for a while. And the problem with me is that the boredom, more often that not leaves me empty. It feeds on my thoughts and dreams and hopes, leaving me behind as a shell of the person I used to be.

Great. I'm bored of writing.

Until next time.


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