Sunday 31 March 2013

Feeling Rain On Your Skin

It’s easier to hide
To stay under the covers
To beat yourself up
To blame the whole world.

It hurts to stand up
And say what you want
To feel those eyes on you
They judge you
It makes you feel vulnerable
All defences down
Open to attack
And attack they will.

Stay down, they say
It’s going to hurt, they say
There’s nothing out there
Better than what you have here

Maybe they’re right
But maybe they’re wrong
You never know for sure
Unless you’re out there on your own

Stolen kisses, tears you hid
Each moment becomes a memory
And as for memories
They’re meant to be forgotten
But whether you remember
Or you have no idea it ever happened
Each moment changes you
It defines you
It claims you
It makes you ‘you’

Then again, you’d never know
You could always just stay there
Under the covers, it’s warm
It’s comforting, protective
You could believe in fate
Wait for it to pull the covers off you
Wait for it to rain in your room
Rather than to get out
Then you’d never know
The exhilarating feeling
Of the little droplets of water
Falling on your face
Or the warmth that comes
That spreads from within
From knowing that you’re free.

