Thursday 8 October 2015

Our Twisted Coexistence

Two little dots once met, one blue, one purple, by chance, bumping into each other, almost not meeting, running over each other, hurrying away in their separate lives. But meet they did, and quite the union it was. A whirlwind romance of minds, bodies, ideas and emotions. They stuck to each other, each reducing to half a dot to form one whole together. And they separated, teaching each other what they knew about love, life and the philosophies of existence, and they each grew, realizing it is better to be two whole dots interlinked than to be half of a whole. And they split occasionally, pain and despair of the worst kind, culminating in a wondrous, almost child-like bliss. Their colors faded, contaminated with the greens and yellows of jealousy and lies, the brilliant gold of the worst kind of pain and manipulation, then the blue and purple shone through and finally it was a bit too much to bear and all at once, their union ended.

But they moved together, spiralling around each other, parallel lines mostly, other times helices around a common centre, increasing in radii until the loneliness of being the only dot in a world of black became too much to bear and they met, a twisted, explosive coexistence, cohabitation, before they repelled with twice the force of their attraction and moved away.

Maybe, just maybe, it was better to exist in separate planes, occasionally interacting, than to attempt to coexist.

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. As amazing as ever. I love the way you develop your ideas..

    1. Thank you :) and do keep reading, I hope to have at least one more post up by the end of the week.

